Intro to AD 2

less than 1 minute read

Hi guys

Welcome back :).

Now, after we made our server, let’s see how to use it. From tools, Open Active Directory Users & computers

We can then add an OU.

Specifiy a name.

You also can add OUs inside your OU

Let’s add some users to specific OU.

Let’s add those two to Administrator group.

You can check with this command.

net localgroup GroupName 

We can add groups to our OU.

Let’s add some users to these groups .

Or you can add a user to a group with this command.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity GroupName -Members UserName

And you can check with this command.

Get-ADGroupMember GroupName 

Ithink we have done this taske.So, see you next time.

